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Chicago 911 dispatcher Keith Thornton, who helped save life of Officer Carlos Yanez Jr., resigns

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EMBED <>More Videos <iframe width=”476″ height=”267″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> In his resignation note, Keith Thornton mentioned he quit because he felt he and his colleagues were being neglected. CHICAGO (WLS) — The 911 dispatcher credited with helping to save the life of Chicago Police Officer Carlos Yanez Jr. has now left the job. Keith Thornton dispatched his last call after four years with Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications. Read More...

Ismael Miranda Net Worth

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Ismael Miranda Carrero net worth is $400,000 Ismael Miranda Carrero Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Ismael Miranda a.k.a. "El niño bonito de la Salsa" (The pretty boy of Salsa) (born February 20, 1950) is a composer and a singer of salsa music. Full NameIsmael Miranda CarreroNet Worth$400,000Date Of Birth1950-02-20ProfessionEditorParentsIsmael Miranda Aquino Ana Carrero EchevarriaNicknamesIsmael Miranda, Miranda, Ismael Known for moviesncG1vNJzZmimlanEsL7Toaeoq6RjvLOzjqecrWWnpL%2B1tI6iqqaZlaF6rrXRmqWdmV2jsrV51qipraBdZ3w%3D

It snowed in the Sahara Desert. Really.

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While the eastern United States was hunkering down in an exceptionally cold Arctic blast this past weekend, another part of the world, much less familiar with winter, braced for similar weather on Sunday — the Sahara Desert. The freak snow shower coated the giant sandy dunes of the Sahara, known first and foremost for its deadly, suffocating heat. The closest town, Ain Sefra, Algeria, hadn’t seen snow in nearly 40 years until it happened for the first time this century in 2017. Read More...